Body art is extremely popular all over the world and includes anything that consists of the human body...tattoos, and piercings but other types of body art involve air brushing, scarring, branding, scalpelling, shaping with corsets and lace and body painting..body art encompasses nose rings, dydos, bangles, rings, makeup, studs, nose pins, and lip plates.

Monday, September 21, 2009

7 Habits of Business Success

The elusive dream of business success captures the imagination of aspiring and existing business owners everywhere. A vision of flowing profits, industry respect, thrilled customers, and a balanced life. This vision is only possible by developing habits that drive business success. Take the time to learn the 7 habits of business success.

The 7 Habits of Business Success

Habit 1. Cultivate Inner Networks: Entrepreneurs practicing the art of business success know the power of networks. They take the time to identify and build relationships with key peers, mentors, and advisors. This inner network provides support, direction, and an increased number of people to assist. Having an inner network of five people who have a network of five more, grows the network exponentially.

Habit 2. Customer Centric: Business success requires an unwavering commitment to the customer. This commitment encompasses a mindset of understanding the customers' world. Understanding the customers wants and needs provides the business with a greater opportunity to earn a loyal customer base. Focus away from business and profits, and toward what you can do to improve the life of your customers.

Habit 3. Humble Honesty: Business success requires the ability to know your strengths and weaknesses. Being open and honest about yourself and your business creates growth as an individual and as a company. Don't spend time developing weaknesses. Find help for weak areas, enabling you to focus on strengths. In the book, "Now, Discover Your Strengths", Gallup Organization reveals that building our strengths instead of fixing our weakness is the path to mastery and success. Take the time to know yourself and business.

Habit 4. Adaptability: Business success requires the ability to adapt to changing situations. Nothing ever goes as planned. The world of business is full of surprises and unforeseen events. Using the habit of adaptability allows business owners to respond to circumstances with the ability to change course and act without complete information. Being flexible allows us to respond to changes without being paralyzed with fear and uncertainty.

Habit 5. Opportunity Focused: Problems are a regular part of business life. Staff issues, customer misunderstandings, cash crunches- the list is endless. To achieve business success, look at both sides of the coin. Every problem has an opportunity. Being opportunity focused makes the game of business fun and energizing.

Habit 6. Finding A Better Way: Productivity is the cornerstone of business success. Formulate the habit of finding a better way to make your business more productive. This will create more time to focus on the critical issues that drive sales and profit. Productivity can be enhanced by technology, automation, outsourcing, and improving business processes.

Habit 7. Balanced Lifestyle Management: A business can consume an owner's time and energy. It's easy to allow the business to take control of your life. Business success requires the habit of balancing all aspects of your life. Separating time for daily business tasks, profit driven tasks, and free time is a habit that will make your business and life more enjoyable. Take the time to plan each week.

Learning and instilling new habits in your daily business life can have a dramatic effect on your level of success. Review each of the 7 habits. Choose one habit to focus on for a month or until you achieve mastery. Gradually incorporate each of the 7 habits of business success into your life and attain your business dreams.

Tuesday, September 15, 2009

Social Media

Why You Should Get Started on Social Media..
It's a scary world out there for many brands not yet plying the waters of social sites like Facebook, Twitter, MySpace, or YouTube.
You know you need to be there. And you know many of your customers are already there. So how do you craft a social presence on the Web without coming across as shallow or trolling for marketing opportunities?
From a strict numbers standpoint, social media feels nebulous. Much of it exists in the realm of feelings, emotions, and sentiment. But social media also works like any other business initiative: start with goals, then act upon them.
And here's the best news: social media can be measured. It isn't just about hunches. Through a variety of reporting tools, you can calculate social ROI (
define) to optimize your focus and messaging with your customers.
So that's the good news. But what about the challenging part -- how to get started?
It takes a little deep thinking. You should ponder some questions, as they will inform your overall strategy.
For example:
1.What kind of brand are you?
2.Are you launching a new product or refreshing an old one?
3.Do people love you?
4.What are they already saying about you?
5.Do they hate you? Why?
6.Has the audience you want to reach even heard of you?
7.What is it you want to accomplish? Generate revenue? Create awareness? Influence sentiment? Sustain loyalty? Solicit feedback?
Each of these scenarios may require a unique creative approach. But the goals are the same: to get people talking about, feeling good about, and ultimately using your product or service in an overwhelmingly positive manner.
You may believe that traditional marketing methods are achieving all of the above, and maybe they are. But here's something that should get you moving. According to a July 2009 Forrester Research report, spending on integrated campaigns through social networks and agency fees for creating owned social media assets will top $3 billion by 2014.
The reason for this dramatic increase? To keep pace with consumers' increasingly social use of the Web.
In other words, the landscape is changing. Dramatically. It isn't about how businesses are reinventing advertising.
These days, the consumer is largely in control. They no longer look for social engagement with products they find interesting. They expect it.
For the rigid marketer, that's bad news. To not change is to risk being left behind.
The Forrester report points to a recent social campaign undertaken by Chevrolet to promote its alternative-fuel vehicles. The auto manufacturer partnered with MySpace to create a virtual tree widget that grew when "watered" online through visits and downloads. When Chevrolet achieved its download goal, it planted up to 225,000 real trees.
Not surprisingly, Chevy's fuel-conscious customers were more than pleased to participate in a campaign that created real social value.
And really, that's what social media is all about: participation. Getting customers to interact with brands, yes, but also getting brands to interact with consumers in new, unexpected, and exciting ways. It's about power to the people, and when done correctly, both sides reap benefits and the landscape always remains interesting.

The Opportunity Cost of a Safe Online Strategy
If you play e-marketing to win, you're playing a portfolio of tactics for long-term gain. If you have sufficient budget, there's simply no other tactic that will give you the same results over time as a coordinated, multipronged effort. Much like a solid financial portfolio, your online strategy needs to be diversified, respond to market conditions, and have a goal and timeframe in mind to make any sense at all.
Some financial investors choose to simply float with the market in a broad index fund, expecting and finding their results will mirror those of the market. Similarly, some investors in online marketing may simply repeat the same Google search marketing campaign or broad display campaign without taking advantage of new opportunities or testing new approaches. They believe they're creating a more certain future, but what are they giving up in exchange for that perceived stability?

-Scale. It's very tough to scale in a significant way on the back of one channel, or even two. The elements of a multifaceted program tend to feed each other to create forward momentum. Sure, you could dump increasingly more budget into that single channel, but you would more quickly reach a point of diminishing return than you will with a well-crafted multidimensional program.

-Niche winners. The Internet is a collection of niche populations overlaid by broader, shared characteristics. If you only address your audiences at the level of least differentiation, you're missing the best opportunity to demonstrate relevance. Relevance is what drives results.

-Balance. Having a single-minded focus on revenue or lead-generation goals is different than declaring it the primary objective. An online strategy often encompasses multiple objectives, many audiences, and different timeframes. Some portions may be designed to support marketing objectives at different points of a customer or consideration cycle. A program's balance between objectives, audiences, and other variables will often shift with seasonality or over time or as other needs or circumstances change. Maintaining the flexibility of component parts that can be stretched or reduced, tested, or added or deleted enhances the ability to create the mix needed to satisfy the current need.

-Optimization. Optimization implies a prioritization among tactics, messaging, budget, or promotion. You can't do nearly as much with a one-note program.

-Multiple platforms. A corporate or brand site's page views are decreasing in importance as the importance of apps, social media, mobile, and other alternate touch points increases. Marketers need to be where their audiences engage or where they consume media -- which is across many platforms for most demographics.

-Learning. You can do conversion optimization testing on a site with a single or consistent set of traffic drivers; in some cases that might even be a more valid test because it rules out some of the variables involved. But how do you learn about how different audiences or sources are responding to your site or offerings if you don't give yourself the opportunity to test? Campaign testing that strives to rank and prioritize the value of different channels obviously needs those channels live to test. Staff training will also suffer with an overly simplified plan. There is an old saying that if all you have is a hammer, then everything looks like a nail. If your staff is conversant in multiple disciplines and has real-world experience with different kinds of smart programs they will be better digital strategists.

-Perception. In some cases, some brands need to have a presence on the bleeding edge of new media channels to maintain their credibility with their audience. If you are a cool or progressive brand, sometimes you just need to be in the latest cool media scene.

-Relevance. Consumer patterns shift. Audiences use different media over time, or they use the same media differently. Either way, marketers must stay current with their audience and adjust their plans to be where, when, and how the audience wants them to be.
As with a financial portfolio, you have to be willing to accept some level of intelligent risk with your online strategy. Not every trial will result in a win, but it will result in knowledge that can be applied to an ongoing effort to balance and optimize results.

Marketing Strategy: Time for Long-Term Thinking
Short-term thinking has been an unfortunate but often necessary response to the recent economic crisis. If you are fighting for your job or your company's continued existence, then this week's, month's, or quarter's results are all that seem to matter. In those circumstances, brand building, customer development, and research efforts, among other things, take a back seat to direct marketing tactics that produce impressive reports and return dollars now. It's one of the well-publicized reasons that digital marketing has benefited from shifts in traditional marketing budgets. Now that we're seeing signs of a recovery, maybe we can pull back a bit from survival mode and take a longer-term perspective on our actions and their consequences. It would be shortsighted to assume that the last 18 months haven't impacted our future opportunities.
Update Long-Term Plans Based on New Assumptions
Some smart, well-capitalized companies have continued to introduce new products or refine existing ones, to reach for new customers and markets, and to expand customer relationships through social media and other efforts. These companies have clearly articulated goals and action plans weighted toward long-term success. It will likely work in their favor, but the big unknown right now is how much the U.S. consumer has changed in the stressful last year or two and whether the assumptions on which long-term plans were made will still hold.
Consumer patterns have changed in response to recessionary stress. Consumers realize that home values won't automatically increase every year, that credit won't always be available, and that a good job is not a given. Many surveys report an expected long-term change in consumer savings and spending patterns that may necessitate a matching shift in marketer's thinking and approach.
Long-Term Planning Must Be the Focus
For many companies, long-term planning was a luxury not available this past year. These companies must now embark on some serious planning to fill in their knowledge gaps and rebuild momentum that will make them a sustainable business. Quarter-to-quarter scrambles for sales will not safeguard them. Sustainable businesses have a reason for the actions they take and can articulate plans for the organization. They recognize environmental changes and respond appropriately to them.
Companies focused on the short term must immediately assess the damage they may have done to their marketing programs and businesses by ignoring the broad range of metrics necessary to a healthy business. It's time to again start tracking and acting on the ability to attract new customers, create demand, maintain margins, and compete for and win market share. At a purely tactical level, these companies may have weighted budget to immediate sales activities and in the process sacrificed pretty much everything else.
Where Does Your Company Fit In?
Almost no brand or company exists at either planning extreme. Wondering where you would be pegged? Ask yourself these questions:
-Have you continued to nurture customers all along the online continuum? Do they find you when they searching in your category? Do you engage and inform them on your site and through all appropriate interactive channels? Do you leverage customer information appropriately to up-sell and cross-sell in customer relationship management and e-mail?
-Are you budgeting month to month or quarter to quarter based primarily on expected short-term returns?
-Does your top management make company or brand decisions based on a broad set of metrics or is it only about top-line revenue?
-Are you optimizing on portfolio results rather than line items?
-Have you continued to support your R&D efforts, to update your sites, to clean your databases, and to experiment with emerging communication channels?
-Have you stayed current with your customers' mind set and their decision calculus as it relates to your category? Has it broadened your competitive set?
I'm certain that no one would argue that planning creates good results both short and long term, but it's an investment that may need some time to pay out. Now that some of the pressure is easing off, we must remember how to be good businesses and force ourselves out of emergency mode as soon as we can.

Sunday, September 13, 2009

Another Touching Ad by Yasmin Ahmad

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新加坡用網路行銷來「促婚」,3分鐘寡婦廣告引發瘋狂討論> > 五月初,新加坡那邊出了一則很特別的廣告,在電視上播出後,引起極大的爭議,各位可以點上面參考一下。這則廣告是由新加坡國家級的「社區發展部」所拍攝(Ministry> of Community Development, Youth and Sports )它是一則 「 支持婚姻」(pro-marriage> )的廣告,據說兩年前新加坡曾有一場市調,顯示許多適婚的新加坡年輕人仍在待婚中,因為找不到完美對象。> 這則「促婚影片」只有3分鐘又2秒:主角是一位印度裔太太,悼念著她剛死去的華裔老公。她的悼詞和大家預期不同,她竟然當著全體親友描述著她老公在床上如何的「打鼾」和「放屁」,還當場模仿這些聲音!> 如果老公還活著,應該會窘得想找一個洞鑽吧。> 這部影片的開始,司儀說:「李太太(即那位寡婦),妳應該有些話想說。」> 這位太太上台了,全場靜默。> 「今天,我不是要來讚美的,我不會說他有多好,因為很多人都已經說了。今天我想和大家分享一些可能讓大家比較不自在的事。」> 她說,「我想先從他在床上的表現說起。」> 台下觀眾眼神都是問號,看著她繼續說--> 「你們都有碰過,早上啟動汽車引擎啟不動的狀況嗎?」> 當場她學了發動引擎的聲音,但聽起來根本就是打鼾聲。這位寡婦學得嘴巴都歪了一邊了,這樣鼾了兩趟,然後幽幽的說:「well,大衛(她的老公)的打鼾,完全像是這樣。」> 大家開始笑了,鏡頭轉到她的女兒,表情顯然有點怪,大概是不解為何媽媽要說這件事?有些老夫妻也一邊笑一邊微皺眉頭,這場合好像說這種事不太對吧?> 「但,打鼾只是開始,」寡婦繼續說:「他,也會……放屁!」,好像好多人都有類似的經驗呢。「有些晚上,他放屁放得太大聲,還會被自己驚醒!」> 全場更是會意的笑了,她說,「大衛會驚慌的問,那……那是什麼聲音?」> 「這時候我會說,親愛的,是隔壁的老狗在放屁啦,放心繼續睡吧!」鏡頭轉到好幾個太太笑得摀嘴,坐在旁邊的老公面露尷尬。> 台上的寡婦,此時語氣一轉。> 「你會覺得,這很好笑是嗎?」她緩緩的說,「不過,當大衛真的病得很重時,這些聲音至少讓我知道,我的大衛『仍然活著』。」> 她轉頭望向大衛的遺照,哽咽了:「現在……我終於再也無法在睡前聽到這些聲音……。」> 全場有如冰凝。> 「 到生命的最後, 」鏡頭轉向這位寡婦孤單的身驅,看到她緩緩的說。> 「 總是這些小小的事情,讓我們永遠記得。 」> (In the end, it ’ s these small things that you remember. )> 「是這些小小的不完美』,一起組成生命的『完美』。 」> (It ’ s these little imperfections that make them perfect for you. )> 鏡頭轉向她的兒子和女兒,兒子大約高中年紀,女兒是初中年紀,他們看著台上的母親,專心聽著媽媽說話。> 「所以我想告訴我的子女,有一天,你也能找到你們生命中的伴侶,他們會像你爸爸在我眼中一樣『不完美得很美』。」> (So, to my beautiful children: One day, you too find yourself life> partners, who are as BEAUTIFULLY IMPERFECT as your father was to me. )> 她講完後,彷彿如釋重負,回到一個仍要照顧小孩的媽媽,收起悲傷,堅強起來,擁抱她的小孩。觀禮的全都沒有痛哭失聲,竟都看著前方,那是一種吃驚,這些文字的重量竟然這麼重的飄在空中、壓在心裡。這三分鐘的片也旋及走到尾聲,最後,這則廣告的結束詞是──「Family> 」。> 中文版,則是一個──「家」字。> > 這則極震撼的廣告片,是由一位來自馬來西亞女導演Yasmin Ahmad所拍攝。> 在新加坡引發了很大的爭議。沒人是完美的,> 所謂的真正的愛情就是接受你伴侶的不完美。>

How To Stop Earning A Living And Start

“Most people are too busy earning a living to make any real money”

What Is Money?

Money is just green or other colored paper, coins, tokens or whatever two or more individuals agree to accept as trade currency, nothing more.

Unless you allow it to be, money is NOT your master. You should always hold mastery over money.

Never let a green piece of paper stand between you and something you want. We start out with an understanding of money when we are young based on our observations, what our parents teach us and what society tells us about the role of money in our lives.

What is The Purpose of Money?

Before money existed as we know of it today people used to barter or trade services, products, and animals as a medium of exchange.

Today we use money to obtain goods or services that we require.

Everything starts with how you think.

This is not any different with money. The real problem with a lack of money in the lives of many people is not with money itself. The problem is with their inability to imagine, feel and clearly see themselves in a position where they have money.

When I say this I mean to point out that we are all spiritual beings endowed with a wonderful gift called the creative imagination.

Too many people busy themselves looking at old images and feelings that no longer serve them in life. Such images have been programmed into us from an outside world at an early age.

Remember the current images that you view inwardly in your minds eye will manifest outwardly as the future conditions and circumstances in your life.

That is why it is imperative, if you are to change your present circumstances that you begin to monitor your belief structure which is based on the thoughts that you think daily.

Everyone has the same amount of time to accomplish their goals in.
So time is really not a factor in manifesting money.

What is different between individuals is how they think. What is also different is what each person believes, consents to be true, and allows to manifest into their lives. Whether it be abundance or lack or anything else for that matter, we all have to take responsibility for what comes into our lives. When we do we will begin to make the necessary changes to old patterns that no longer serve us.

Remember the old saying; “if you continue to do what you have always done then you will continue to get what you have always got”?

Have you ever thought about ways to stop working harder and start working smarter? What I am talking about here is “thinking outside of the box”.

Money of itself is neither good nor bad, it is neutral. It is what you choose to do with money that makes a difference.

Here is a way I choose to do good with money and help others:

While we are speaking of positive and negative charges here it is important for you to know that cause is positive and effect is negative.

That is to say that, with the assistance of spirit the creative power you as a creative distributing center of that power can set in to motion causes or goals that you wish to accomplish and then, accept them into your outer world. You do this by taking the necessary actions required and
acting “as if” the wish was already fulfilled. By accepting these creations of yours into your outer world you knowingly allow yourself to be their effect.

You will meet the right people to help you at the right moment and things will seem effortless at times. Some people feel they must struggle a little more rather than relax and let the spirit of life guide them in its infinite wisdom. In time you will learn to work smarter, and not harder.

These are ancient principles that have been taught in different forms by various teachers since the beginning of time on this planet.

So again, money is not bad it is neutral. Undue attachment to money or anything can be restrictive. Attachment closes us off from our own inner connection with spirit.

Money can be used to achieve results that are for the good of the whole. Results that benefit everyone involved in the creative process. Your life can be filled with both purpose and money simultaneously. The creative force by nature works for the good of the whole and so you, should you choose to have a positive outflow into this world, express the same quality.

The importance of money is equal to what it can attain such as housing, food, education etcetera.

Generally you will find that those who tell you money is not important don't have any themselves.

That which is important to you, to which you place your attention on, will stay in your life. If you totally remove your attention from anything or a long enough period of time it will not be able to remain in your world.

Negative feelings, or dislike for something generally draws it to you as this is the force which works very quickly from the mental to physical region.

The negative has feeling with it, and feeling is the motive or locomotive force bringing things through to manifest in this world from the emotional plane.

This is like a fly buzzing around your head annoying you. The more it Bothers you, and the more you swat at it the more it seems to intensify its bothering you until the cycle ends. And of course all cycles in matter, energy, space and time have a beginning, a middle, and an end. Create, maintain, destroy, this is the natural cycle of life in this world.

Money of itself will not make you happy. Money is simply a tool for you to use in creating your vision. True happiness is something found within.

When looking back over my life some of the happiest times I experienced in my early years had absolutely nothing to do with money.

Mother Theresa took an oath of poverty and lived and served in the universal world outside of herself as have many others.

Love is the ultimate source of happiness. This all starts with loving yourself and starting to make some progress in your life.

To give service to life you must somehow participate while aligning with your higher values. The source of earning large amounts of money is large amounts of services or products being rendered.

You do not have to be extremely knowledgeable yourself to succeed but you must have access to highly specialized and intelligently applied knowledge.

Henry Ford was very good at hiring specialists to solve problems in areas that he had no such particular specialized knowledge himself.

The Law of Money

The law of money states that the amount of money you earn will be in exact ratio to 4 things:

1. The need for what you do.
2. Your ability to render your product/service.
3. The difficulty to replace what you offer.
4. The quantity in which the product or service is rendered.

How can I apply these laws immediately?

1. Select something you love to do and begin mastering it.

2. Contact me as soon as possible. My contact information is at the end of this chapter.

The Three Ways to Earn Money

1. Trading time for money

2. Trading money for money

3. Leveraging your time and efforts

Lets look at the first method

The majority of people today trade their time, the hours of their lives for a set amount of money. Employers expect a certain amount of pre- determined labor or output to be performed by employees. In return the employee agrees to this contract and receives a given amount of money at given times. Over 95% of the population follows this strategy. It is an extremely ineffective method when you see the results show that over 95% of the population makes less than 10% of all money being earned today. Both ditch diggers and doctors work or wages as do laborers and lawyers. Any way you look at it this is by far the least effective method of making money. On the positive side this method can be used as a stepping stone to more effective
methods of earning money listed below.

Now lets look at the second method of earning money

Rather than working for money this method puts money to work for you. You are investing your money in something that yields more money in return than what you put in. This could be anything from investing in gold, oil, or mutual funds to real estate. Whatever you decide to invest in make sure that you get the advice of someone who is reputable and already succeeding at it themselves.

The third and most lucrative method of earning money

This is the most efficient, most highly successful, but strangely the least utilized method of earning money today. Less than just 1% of the word's population uses this method to earn well over 90% of all money earned today. What is it? The smallest percentage of people earning the greatest amount of money all have multiple sources of income. There is not a wealthy person who does not earn their income through multiple sources.

As for myself I make a full time living online doing internet marketing. Why is this? The reason that I chose internet marketing is because I can follow proven plans of other people with specialized knowledge and apply these techniques right away to get results.

I have seen countless numbers of people with no specialized skills making huge sums of money on the internet. It is really like the wild west gold rush of the 1840's. This can be done from the comfort of your own home or anywhere that you have a computer and internet connection. As far as time goes I spend no more than 3 hours a day at the computer doing my business. This leaves me free to do what I want rather than sell my time to someone else for a fee.

There are several opportunities I use as vehicles to earn money and I am always investigating new sources and opportunities that are proven and effective. Once you understand how things work and are initially set up in this business you then have all the time you need to do the things that you like best. Here is one opportunity that anyone can use to make money on the internet. It teaches you step by step what you need to do to succeed. Several streams of income will be added to this main opportunity placing all those involved in the most favorable position as outlined in this chapter. Go here to find out more; If you enter your name in when you get to the main website then you can get on my mailing list. Please go to this link and opt in.

You will find my email address and more information about other great opportunities forwarded to you when you sign on here. To your success,

Saturday, September 12, 2009

Do You Need Volume To Move Stocks Higher?

Many analysts are pointing to lower than average volume in stocks as a reason to expect a price decline. This seems logical, but test data works better when it comes to making investing decisions.
A Wall Street adage says that stocks can fall on their own weight with relatively light volume, but it takes strong volume to push prices higher. This is based on the idea that volume represents demand. As markets have evolved over the years, many traditional sentiment and breadth indicators have failed to withstand the test of time. Volume may have been required to push stocks higher when market makers were on the other side of every trade and short-term trading was rare. But given the changes to the market structure over the years, volume by itself may not be as reliable an indicator as it once was. Selling can occur for a variety of reasons and on heavy volume, while buyers may accumulate long positions in derivatives markets, leading to higher prices on lower volume as arbitragers profit by eliminating the intermarket spreads.
Many commentators have pointed out that the recent market action comes with volume consistently below its 50-day moving average. Standard wisdom says this is a period of distribution in the market and is therefore likely to lead to lower prices in the short term. This is shown in Figure 1.
FIGURE 1: Volume is shown in the lower part of this chart as red and green bars with the
50-day moving average shown as the line through that section
Visually, there is no apparent relationship between volume and its moving average. Into the March bottom, volume was consistently greater than average, just as it was after that bottom was reached. While it is possible to say that volume confirmed the decline, there is no guideline to assess when it began confirming the new uptrend. In short, this appears to be an arbitrary rule of thumb, and testing shows that no reliable mechanical rule can be easily found from this relationship.
We can also see from that chart that volume appears to move randomly while prices exhibit periods of trending behavior. Looking at the weekly chart in Figure 2, we see that volume appears to follow a well-defined three-month cycle. This chart uses the four-week rate of change in volume to identify significant increases and decreases in trading activity. The spikes occur every three months and are associated with the expiration of the contracts underlying the index in the futures and option markets.
FIGURE 2: Volume on the S&P 500 futures contracts shows clear spikes every three months
Given that there will be a spike in volume every 90 days, the use of the 50-day moving average to assess the importance of volume in the stock market makes little sense. The moving average will be prone to sharp changes as the time period with this spike is added to and removed from the average. Other technical tools may provide more useful insights. One of the first attempts to find quantitative meaning in the price/volume relationship is the development of the on-balance volume (OBV) indicator. Joseph Granville introduced OBV in his 1963 book, Granville's New Key To Stock Market Profits. The calculations are simple:
  1. If the market closes higher than the previous day, the volume is added to the previous day's OBV.
  2. On a down day, the volume is subtracted from the previous day's OBV.
A simple interpretation of OBV is to assume that it confirms price action if an increase or decrease in price is accompanied by increasing volume. Divergences occur when increasing or decreasing prices are seen with decreasing volume. Granville thought that this meant the price action was weak and more likely to reverse than continue in the direction of the trend. OBV is shown in Figure 3. Testing fails to confirm that this indicator adds value to the analysis of the trend.
FIGURE 3: On-balance volume adds little insight to the chart
In part, OBV fails to work reliably because it does not recognize that for each buyer there must be a seller. It is naive to assign all of the daily or weekly volume to buying or selling pressure. More sophisticated tools have been developed that allocate part of the volume to the cumulative indicator in proportion to price action. Well-known examples of this are the Chaikin oscillator, the money flow index, and time volume accumulation (TVA). The TVA assigns only that part of the volume that drove the price change to the indicator, ignoring the rest of the activity as market noise. The formula for TVA is:
MovingAvg (Volume * (Close - Close.1) / (True High - True Low), NumBars)

When backtesting with TVA, you do discover that meaningful and profitable information is contained in volume. On a daily time frame, a highly profitable system buys the market whenever the 10-day TVA is greater than its eight-day moving average. The test is designed only to capture the idea that increases in volume are bullish and therefore trades are closed one week later on a time stop. Using the Standard & Poor's 500 ETF (SPY), this strategy is profitable over daily and weekly time frames. Weekly trades are closed one month later.
The parameters used in the test were selected through optimization. While 10,000 tests were completed, parameter stability was found around these levels, which adds confidence to the analysis.
In early July, on the daily chart (Figure 4), TVA is whipsawing around its moving average. This does not offer meaningful insight into the likely course of market action. The weekly chart is not bullish with TVA below its moving average. We cannot say that it is necessarily bearish since testing with volume indicators did not yield any identifiable advantage to shorting the market.

FIGURE 4: TVA offered a timely signal near the March bottom and is currently not bullish
Testing indicates that the adage is right; markets do require volume to move higher. Unfortunately, more sophisticated analysis than relying on a moving average is required to determine whether volume is bullish. Investors should also be aware that a lack of volume, while not bullish, is not necessarily bearish.

Friday, September 11, 2009


"Thinking will affect the action, action will produce results. If Edison (Thomas Alva Edison) lamp is not the courage to have a dream of the invention, we may still primitive. All of the great stories of success have been many people laughed at before, so we should be because of feel proud of being made fun of, because you know closer to success. "
Every great achievement was once considered impossible!
- Pine large capital Grandpine
Program cost is only RM1, 000 goal is to RM1, 000,000
This is a ridiculous idea?
Millionology is that we try to break the stock market investors always lose money when they think of the mystery of the inspiration they receive. In the market is not difficult to hear the stock market 80% of investors lose money, only 20% of the profits for investors. People think that the stock market is a大鱼吃小鱼game, very few make money. Back to where the stock is a listed company which is used to finance a tool. In order to develop a company must have funds available to different departments, such as the production, promotion, development and so on, while the source of funds could be the operator out of their pocket (self-face the risk), or to bank loans (the burden of interest costs) , or the public to raise funds (to invite the public to become shareholders).
Of course, listing the reasons for raising funds necessary for the development of the full, or else the company listing becomes a major shareholder of his business-oriented way of cash only (the original shareholders can take advantage of exchange-traded, and brought his stake in the company's liquidation). Even if the development of well-founded, but the allocation of funds and use of small shareholders in general difficult to grasp, the formation of information asymmetry. From the history of the stock we will understand the basic retail investors buy stocks head is to get an annual dividend (Dividend), which is the company to earn back the money and then direct cash returns to shareholders, but later, the stock has become almost a speculation, speculation, flourishes tool. Stock in effect become a place of wealth redistribution, but unfortunately, there is no wealth in the hands of their money from the rich to the poor points, but rather most people's wealth was concentrated in a few pockets. For most people, the investment in the stock market is a loser's game (Loser's Game), it is somewhat similar to the casino, the dealer will win (House Always Wins).
Most investors have no interest in their own research or analysis of stocks, tend to prefer someone else to help make your own decision, and even infected with the "tips (Tips)" drug. At the same time can not be properly on the market of professional information to make objective judgments are basically relying on feel and sold stocks, highly speculative, but also very emotional. We call this investment behavior known as "habitual rash investment", which seriously committed Buffett's investment first rule "Do not be losing money." Because investors rush to look at investment, no doubt chosen with the failure of investment decisions Sishou life, they think money loss that can be used to compensate another for profit, they consider themselves to have endless investment opportunities, they do not respect the their own funds, so the end does not respect their own funds. The greatest irony is that these hasty investment decisions actually are also other, more cursory reference to investors. Hasty investment is not surprising that this occurred in many investors who, even some conservatives (and we would have committed such a mistake). This is a very interesting phenomenon, many people in their career is very conservative, or even in other investment projects are also very conservative, such as real estate, insurance, savings, education and so on, but when it comes to investing in stocks that they would a laissez-faire themselves, the stock market like a magic spell to induce them to make mistakes.
Many investors often take dollar cost averaging investment strategy, in fact, this approach reasonable, but in fact are often hasty investment decisions because they are the consequences. They tend to resonate more than on finding the reasons, when they encounter hesitation, it is often the final decision is to get the views that they agree or negative, so there are no reliable factors in the purchase of a number of stocks, making the usual by arbitrage, loss of the retained. They do not think we sell will never lose money in equity losses are only paper losses, so as to achieve reduction of losses caused by the pain, the results of an increasing amount of the losses. They can not be called dollar cost averaging strategy is just a loss of the averaging method to achieve psychological comfort.
Investors in the stock market tend to make rash because of the unique advantages of the stock market. Stock market participants without any specific conditions, can approach the sale, whether you are educated or uneducated. Flow of the stock market a good deal, even bought the wrong can be immediately sold, but sold the wrong that can be bought immediately, and transaction costs low, even if many feel the deal will not affect the overall capital. Is even more lightly is the stock of the summary procedure, even after re-thinking and analysis of the complex was obtained from the decision merely to "buy" or "sell." The stock market to make investment operations of this nature is very similar to themselves with gambling, so when people are investing in stocks can easily fall into the trap of gambling, commonly known as "bet the stock."
In order for investors to break the "always losing money," the mystery of thinking,MillionologyDesigned to 1,000 yuan to achieve the goal of 1 million investment ideas. The aim is to enable investors to know how to respect our own funds, cherish their every investment decision, because it simply does not allow multiple transactions 1,000 yuan. In addition, in the investment process where "like" and "fear" mentality will always hinder investors achieve their goals, with only 1,000 yuan for the cost, is to "fear" mentality pushed to the minimum, so without fear loss, Because of this small amount of money will not hurt the individual's life, and easy to start or re-start. To "millions" as the goal, is to "greedy" mentality to push the extreme, with 1,000 yuan to make 1 million pairs of many people is still very greedy idea. Finally returns and risks the creation of polarization miracle.
1000 yuan how to "roll out" one million
To reach 1 million target interest rate and the number of other complex;
Compounded rate, Cp Rate 15% 50Times
Compounded rate, Cp Rate 20% 38Times
Compounded rate, Cp Rate 30% 27Times
Compounded rate, Cp Rate 50% 18Times
Compounded rate, Cp Rate 70% 13Times
Compounded rate, Cp Rate 100% 10Times
Millionology is a 1,000 yuan to achieve one million targets. Do the world a free lunch? The answer is certainly not. Therefore, the results of each one, there will be a pay back, as I experience the same as before. Speaking of investing in the market, we can easily hear the phrase "high-risk high returns, low risk whole workshop is truly pay," This investment law. We all believe that there will need to pay the first harvest - fame saying "give and take", many people understand this truth, the investment is also true, but the "give and take" the focus is on how much? Harvest is? Therefore, the task is exhausted Millionology cost less to make as the returns. Targeted approach to reach one million there are numerous ways to do the fastest? Drug trafficking may be one of the fastest way, but you certainly do not do it, because it is at the cost of life imprisonment or even death. Therefore, to reach 1 million target at the same time must also consider the cost. To address this issue, Millionology opening stage to minimize the cost of risk, Millionology schemes and the initial cost is only 1,000 yuan (now even a child can use more than 1,000 yuan cell phone).
Pine large capital in 2006 launch Millionology, to 1,000 yuan to achieve this goal of 1 million investment in the concept, the result was not cheering, but suspicion and even making themselves laughing stocks. This is absolutely expected, because Edison is true before they succeeded. Millionology to the cost of RM1000 to reach 1 million goal, seemed impervious to reason. Please No doubt, there must need to use the results of a miracle a miracle method. This method is Einstein (Albert Einstein) as the world's eighth wonder of the "magic of compound interest."
The so-called compound (Compound Interest Rate) effects, can be simply interpreted as illegal loans, "profit-producing," that is, to obtain the investment interest or earn profits by adding the principal (Principal), continue to earn returns. For example, assume that a certain financial products 10% annual returns to normal interest rate (Simple Interest Rate) calculation, investment 100 million yuan, a year make between 10 million and ten years can make one million yuan. If the compound interest calculation, although they pay the annual return is also 10%, but the actual annual amount of earned but will continue to increase, with 100 million investment, the first year, make between 10 million and the principal becomes 110 million; the following year earned 1.1 million yuan is 10%, or 11 million, and so on, the third year 12.1 million, until the tenth year, the total profit almost 160 million, more than the principal amount of 1.6 times more 10 years, returns 160% of the course, are not a miracle, but the great part is that compound interest the longer the effect more obvious, even to 1 yuan expansion to become a million, is only a matter of time only. It can be seen, time is the key element of compound interest, to take one step further to see the "magic of compound interest," we must start planning as soon as possible investments.
To reach the one million Millionology goal, you need to do is RM 1,000 as a capital investment to repeat 10 times, each time returns must reach 100%, and the use of all the capital for each investment objective can be reached.
Cost, RM1000The first 100%, RM2, 0002nd 100%, RM4, 0003rd 100%, RM8, 0004th 100%, RM16, 0005th 100%, RM32, 0006th 100%, RM64, 0007th 100%, RM128, 0008th 100%, RM256, 0009th 100%, RM512, 000X 100%, RM1, 024,000The successful completion of
If you have earned 10 times 100 percent chance, in the first one times 100 percent returns, and capital into a 2,000 yuan from 1,000 yuan, but you irrepressible desire of your spending, took 300 to buy watches, and the remaining 1700 re-invest. 2nd 100% of the returns are done, and funds into 3,400 yuan, and you out of 1000 to buy a new phone, and the remaining 2,400 yuan began the 3rd investment, the success of 100% of profits after will become a 4,800 RMB. Surprisingly well, your next 4, 5, 6, 7, 8 sub-investment have successfully achieved 100% returns, your accumulated funds had reached 153.6 thousand yuan, but then you excited a dream to buy a sports car, spent 10 million, the remaining 53.6 thousand yuan and then the successful completion of another two times 100% of investment returns, your money will eventually become 214.4 thousand yuan. Now you can see the difference it? Similarly, 10 to 100% of the investment returns, but because they do not complete the complex rate plans to ensure that the final outcome of your changing from 100 became 210 thousand! A total difference of 5 times! In addition, in order to let "the magic of compound interest" is more obvious and rapid, "can not lose money" concept becomes heavy the heavy, because if the investment losses, funds also will be compounded in the form of shrinkage. Suppose 1,000 yuan for the principal started to invest in, when the first put on the loss of 50%, funds only 500 yuan, will be the second time into trying to make a principal, return on equity be?
The answer: 100%
How can we referred to as "can not lose money" investment? You might ask, "win" is not equivalent to "not lose" it? The key is that you buy that stock in a grabbing, your returns must have been identified, and it's only not lose. This is the value of investment law an act of faith, the share price decline is only temporary, future returns are inevitable. Only in this way, compound interest in terms of really meaningful to you.
Of investment as a wealth of value-added growth in 10 years to RM1000 into RM1, 000,000, you are still quite pleased.
Because you know you can speed up the investment, but no short cuts.
The following are two examples, we can invest in a good way to make money investing in stocks proved faster than real estate.
Example 1260,000 yuan investment in the two-tier residential estatesThe first phase of 150,000 yuan15-year loans to 110,000 yuanAnnual repayment amount of 10,980 yuan = 915 yuan Yue X 12Moonrise rent = 1,500 yuanRent annual growth rate = 5%15 years later, sold 520,000 yuan investment15 years later,Total assets of 743,714 yuanInvestment returns of 396%
This is an example of investment in real estate, Peter has invested 260,000 yuan worth a two-tier residential estates. Peter to 150,000 yuan to the original investment funds, further bank loans 110,000 yuan loan period of 15 years, bought the house, Peter must repay the loan 915 yuan a month. Peter acquired this greatly increased luck behind the house has encountered elegant Henry. Henry monthly rent of 1,500 yuan to Peter rented this house, but also stated the contract where the growth rate of 5% of the annual rent, so Peter No monthly payments, but also have additional cash income. Not only that, 15 years later, that is, after the end of Peter's bank loans, Henry in order to double the price to buy Peter's house. All the investment spent a total of 15 years, the last Peter's assets rose to 743,714 yuan from 150,000 yuan, the investment returns of 396%. Peter in real estate investments are so high returns, it is rare, at least in Malaysia in 1998 -2006 years, the real estate market is a rare case. Example 2Investment RM150, 000 in the stock market15% annual returns15 years later,Total assets of RM1, 220,559Investment returns of 813%
Example 2, compared with previous example would be a relatively simple, Steven with the same amount of 150,000 yuan to invest in stocks where some of the solid blue chips. Steven did not make a very frequent stock transactions, but every time received dividend shares will be fully invested in the same item, so the annual profit (dividends and share price appreciation) is only a mere 15% of the returns. All the investment has spent a total of 15 years, the last Steven's assets rose to 1,220,559 yuan from 150,000 yuan, the investment returns of 813%. Steven's investment in the stock market returns from eyes simply do not how, but compared to Peter's investment returns are higher than 64%. The most important thing is, after our students statistics, in investing in stocks, 15 percent higher than a year asked the students pay back is 100%. Reflected in the fact that the above examples have been very clear in the stock market is profitable! But the reality of stock market investors are mostly black and blue, and in we look carefully at the discovery that these investors is the reason why the reason for the failure to obtain 15 percent have not yet mastered the ability to pay back prior to the attempt to storm the night Fu. Greed make people deviate from rationality, and even affect the decision, and it will eventually be invested in failure.
Warren Buffett once said, "smart people know how to live within its means as if he is foolish person. Foolish person who know how to live within its means as he is smart people"
Members must bear in mind that
When you are uncertain, it will not make any decisions.
"Rule 1" No matter how much money can make my decisions are necessary to establish a "no lose" on top.
Investors, self-cultivation, and continuously improve the knowledge of
How to find profit in the stock market 100% of the opportunities?
The following content will involve a lot of professional theory, but I will just shallow and easy to understand language to express, I believe that general readers can understand. As had been said to be stable in the stock market 100% of profits, it is clear we need to grasp the investment capacity. That in the end Millionology is how to define "investment capacity" mean? Millionology the profitability of the strategy to master the three key competencies include the "opportunity", "value", and "theme."
Necessary to master the three key from the analysis as his starting point
Investment analysis refers to the investors in the stock market a variety of information collection, collation, be understood post-synthesis, regulatory, and even predict stock price movements, thereby making the appropriate investment strategy, while trying to reduce risk and increase profitability.
In the stock market, there are three mainstream analysis theory, namely the Technical Analysis (Technical Analysis), fundamental analysis (Fundamental Analysis) and the efficient market theory (Efficient Market Theory). Technical analysis and fundamental analysis because it has a long history but most people are familiar with, but the efficient market theory, because only appeared in modern times and the more academic, general individual investors are more familiar with it.
Efficient market theory has been aimed at fundamental analysis and technical analysis to make critical weaknesses, and the usefulness of these two methods questioned. By understanding the efficient market theory, we can clearly know the fundamental analysis and technical analysis weak side.
According to efficient market theory, the stock market mechanism is an extremely efficient and can quickly make adjustments based on latest news of the market, in the long-term stock market under the market mechanism is completely efficient. This means that regardless of the world, countries, markets or companies of any incidents or information, the market will immediately be reflected in prices. The occurrence of an accident or the message can not be predicted, like a can not predict it will happen again tomorrow, the United States "911" like the terrorist attacks.
In this premise there are two inferences; the first, stock prices up or down is random, you simply can not be estimated price will be starting tomorrow, or down, the stock market like casino gambling within the size of the next plate bears flowers of large or small the fundamental is impossible to know to open a large or small, are half chance. Secondly, any future development and direction can not be speculated that based on past behavior, which is like betting the size of the bureau opened a big What about that the next Board did not influence is the so-called random. Therefore, the theory of market efficiency, the use of performance-based stock price history, technical analysis and utilization of historical earnings performance-based fundamental analysis questioned.
An interesting and well-known story is used to describe the academic community advocated by the market efficiency theory, professors and students with a walk, walked on the ground they found a one hundred U.S. dollars, so the students wanted to stop picking, but the professor said "Do not trouble, and if it really is 100 U.S. dollars, it is not here already has." To efficient market theory, it would have really have 100 U.S. dollars on the ground, it will not be there long, but there are ways to be sustainable it is difficult to find the ground of 100 U.S. dollars.
So, if you follow the efficient market theory, investment approach will be very passive. Investors do not need stock picking, because no one can be trusted methods, so you do not need to pay under a certain increase in the risk of loss, so investors can directly invest in index funds (Index Fund), then basically equivalent to buying representative of the market and do the best risk diversification. Accumulation of fixed investment laws then on a regular basis, that is, a specific period of time intervals with the same amount of money to invest, and the long-term holding. Investors do not need to know when is the best time to buy, because no one trusted the same way. This is the new investment techniques (New Investment Technology), a decentralized risk technology.
The fundamental analysis and technical analysis of the followers of the market efficiency theory also refute the suggestion that - whether the market can fully reflect the reality? If the answer is yes, how to interpret the October 1987 U.S. stock market more than 30% decline and the 2002 July 16% decline it? Why do blue-chip heavyweight stock market fundamentals do not change much the situation, a sudden crash was so brutal?
In this regard, the U.S. investment guru, Mr. Kiel Mexico (Burton G. Malkiel), efficient market advocates in his book "Walk Down Wall Street" "A Random Walk Down Wall Street" with this view. Mexico, Mr. Gere admitted that the admissibility of price fluctuations and the influence of irrational factors, when the stock was trading at when the irrational is like a drunk in the open space in the walk, tumble style that is random pace, the same can not be predicted.
I think that even if the market was confirmed at certain times is not efficient, it may not be able to effectively see what the market when the effective or ineffective when the equivalent to the market is random change. At least I have still not found or heard that some people could predict the stock market continuing, so I never believed it was or method can make any future projections.
On the market does not lack some people think they can predict the future, people have an innate sense of self-confidence, just like gambling in the lottery, though the number of combinations out of each probability is the same, but people often think that a combination of their choice out opportunities to be higher, in other words, we just take a chance only.
Although the Millionology agree the market is unpredictable, but at least we can grasp the opportunity. We can not exclude, in the efficient market and the stock price random walk under the premise of the investment objectives of the close attention and monitoring can bring benefits, because of price fluctuation is affected by the admissibility and irrational factors.
The risk of a spread that if the diversification of investments so that investor returns can only be maintained at the average level of the market, why not make some changes? Shift focus from diversification to integrated different investment strategies! The essence of each part of the strategy into your investment analysis which concluded naturally with the risk diversification effect!又可以达到高回报率,何乐而不为?
MillionologyRequired to master the strategy, re-use of efficient market theory has been criticized fundamental analysis and technical analysis, under the premise of efficient market functioning.MillionologyThis strategy is divided into control the timing, value and the theme, like the art of war, the emphasis in the favorable climatic, geographical and human resources.
MillionologyInstructorMr. Li Yongan

Monday, September 7, 2009

Ted Butler Commentaries on the Gold Investment Market

Ted Butler Commentary September 4, 2009

Warnings Ignored
Trouble with you is the trouble with me,
Got two good eyes but you still don?t see.
Trouble ahead,
trouble behind,
And you know that notion just crossed my mind.
Casey Jones
Grateful Dead

A remarkable story recently appeared in a leading Chinese business publication that threatens to upend the world of commodities. It seems that the government of China may be preparing the way for state-owned investment funds to walk away or default on OTC commodity derivatives contracts held with foreign banks if those contracts cause loss to the funds. A good discussion of this issue can be found here, along with links to the original story and a related Reuters article
Even more amazing is that the obligatory follow-up story, in which the threat of default is invariably denied, actually confirms that China is seriously considering defaulting on selected OTC commodity derivatives contracts.
l If there is going to be a default by China in select OTC commodity derivatives, silver is a prime candidate.
What makes the China story so remarkable to me is that it ties together and confirms much of the silver analyses I have published over the years. In addition, it points to the extraordinary situation that presently exists in silver, not just from an investment and regulatory perspective, but also from a view that impacts the strategic interests of nations, including, but not limited to, the US and China. As always, I ask you to decide for yourself based upon the facts and my speculation.
Here are the facts. There is an unusually large concentrated net short position in COMEX silver futures held by 4 or fewer traders, documented by CFTC data. There is no unusually large concentrated position on the long side. Other CFTC data indicate the concentrated silver short position is largely held by one or two US banks, at times reaching 25% of world production. This degree of concentration is unprecedented and not seen in any other commodity. Correspondence from the CFTC to elected officials identifies JPMorgan as the prime holder of the short position, with Morgan having inherited the position in its takeover of Bear Stearns. Requests to the CEO of JPMorgan to deny it holds the large silver short position on the COMEX have gone unanswered.
For years, the CFTC has investigated my allegations of manipulation in silver, and in 2004 and 2008, they denied such a manipulation exists. It is thought they will comment soon on the third investigation, begun a year ago. In none of the three investigations have they contacted me, although I was the impetus behind each investigation. Over the past five years, the silver short position has grown more concentrated. About six years ago, based upon input from my friend and mentor, Izzy Friedman, I first speculated that China was the big short behind the COMEX silver short position. Other articles followed on China and this theme.Click Here More recently, in December 2007, I publicly and privately warned the CFTC and Commissioner Bart Chilton of what a disaster it would be if the foreign backers to the short position in COMEX silver decided to walk away from their obligations.
In that letter, I wrote; '
??these giant foreign silver shorts represent a grave and unique danger to our country, not just because they hold a controlling position in COMEX silver futures, but also because of the nature of that position.In its own words, the New York Mercantile Exchange, Inc., (which owns the COMEX) is the world's largest physical commodity futures exchange and the preeminent trading forum for energy and precious metals. As such, the NYMEX/COMEX is a financial institution important to the interests of our country. The highest regulatory attention should be placed on anything that threatened its existence. The 4 large foreign silver shorts represent such a threat.If and when these four large traders decide they have had enough of the short side of silver, instead of covering their short positions or delivering actual silver, they could declare force majeure and simply walk away and leave the regulators and NYMEX clearing members holding the bag. Since they are outside the jurisdiction of the Commission, there is, currently, little to prevent this.?
I don?t know how I could have been clearer in my warning. I don?t know how the stories coming from China could highlight those dangers any clearer. Not only is the concentrated short position clearly manipulative to the price of silver, the danger of a default has never loomed larger. Perhaps the recent price action is reflecting that growing awareness. In spite of this clear warning, the CFTC concluded, in May 2008, that there was nothing wrong in silver. It is important to put the current situation into proper perspective. Here?s my take. Sometime around ten years ago, the now-disgraced derivatives powerhouse AIG, through their China connections, convinced certain state-owned companies of that country to enter into massive OTC short contracts on silver. China?s growing share of silver refining production was the cover story.
The real purpose, however, was to give AIG backing for selling short silver contracts on the COMEX for the purpose of hoodwinking the technical funds into and out of paper positions on the COMEX. This worked like clockwork for years. Pressure from me and many readers, through then-New York Attorney General Eliot Spitzer quietly forced AIG to abandon and transfer their COMEX silver (and probably gold) short position to Bear Stearns, another large clearing firm, like AIG. The Chinese OTC silver short position was assumed by Bear Stearns as a counter-party and Bear Stearns then continued the COMEX manipulation and fleecing of the technical funds and other speculative traders. The frequent complaints to the CFTC about the outsized short position and obvious manipulative trading activities on the COMEX were rebuffed by the Commission because Bear Stearns, like AIG before them, could show on paper that they had existing OTC offsets with China that ?backed? the COMEX short positions. As has been shown in other financial scandals, like the Madoff swindle, bureaucrat regulators are often no match for well-connected and persuasive Wall Street power brokers.When Bear Stearns collapsed in March 2008 (incidentally at the then-highest price for silver in decades - $21), there was no one willing to take over their giant COMEX silver short position and the offsetting Chinese OTC contracts. Enter JPMorgan Chase. Remember, this was a time of great stress to the financial system and all efforts were directed to quickly fixing problems that arose. The giant silver short position at Bear Stearns was one such problem. With federal government guarantees against loss and criminal prosecution, JPMorgan did assume the role of master of the silver market.
All this was revealed in subsequent Bank Participation Reports and in correspondence from the CFTC to various lawmakers. Since that time, JPMorgan has managed the giant silver short position. My speculation includes that Morgan has quietly offset its COMEX short position over the past year and a half with other unsuspecting parties in the OTC market.

What does this all mean and where do we go from here? Get ready for great and growing price volatility. I?ll have specific market comments for subscribers over the next couple of days, once the new COT and Bank Participation Reports are released. But this much is clear ? the long anticipated default of the massive OTC silver derivatives position by China appears to be at hand. It?s hard to imagine a more profound event. All at once, the backing and excuse for the concentrated short position on the COMEX is exposed for the fraud it has always been. No longer can the CFTC pretend that the COMEX silver short position is backed by anything legitimate. Not when China, itself, is saying it may default. So many game changes have emerged in silver over the past few months that it is hard to appreciate them all. These recent announcements by China concerning its future intentions on select OTC commodity derivatives could be the most important of all.

I still have great faith that the new chairman of the CFTC, Gary Gensler, has every intention of doing the right thing and will adjust and enforce legitimate speculative position limits in COMEX silver. The new reports out of China make it more imperative that he do so quickly. The threat from China that it may default on contracts that back the concentrated COMEX short position raises the stakes immensely. Unlike his predecessors, and for the good of the country and market integrity, Chairman Gensler must not ignore these warnings. Note to subscribers ? because of the potential regulatory significance of this issue, I am putting this article out in the public domain.
I?ll have specific market comments available over the weekend.

Saturday, September 5, 2009

What is a truly successful life?

Is it, as so many say, simply career advancement and material abundance? Or is it something more? “A truly successful life,” says author D.L. Tanner, “is a life purposely lived, moment by moment, in the grip of unconditional love, with values and priorities ordered from the perspective of eternity.”

A Truly Successful Life will help you:
-Begin with a foundation of faith and love.
-Prioritize values from the perspective of eternity.
-Live out the “Law of Love” by loving others.
-Realize that you are the master of your own life.
-Discover and follow your dreams.
-Work at your chosen profession with excellence.
-Survive the darkness of sadness and loss because of the foundation of faith, love and eternal priorities.
-Fully enjoy life and live it to the fullest.

In A Truly Successful Life, author D.L. Tanner calls for a paradigm shift in the world of success literature. “A truly successful life,” he says, “is a life purposely lived, moment by moment, in the grip of unconditional love, with values and priorities ordered from the perspective of eternity.” In eleven succinct chapters, Tanner builds the structure and form of his True Success manifesto: Faith, Love, Prioritize Your Values, Surviving the Darkness, The Family of Mankind, Romance, Parenting, Proactivity, Live Your Dream, Success at Work, and Enjoy Your Life.

The faith presented in this book is presented from a Christian, but nonjudgmental, perspective. In the “Love” chapter, Tanner describes what he calls the “Law of Love”: “…a single universal law that emanates from divinity and exists within the heart and conscience of every human being.” It is this single law, he says, that the “First Cause of all life” wants us to follow. He presents a comprehensive approach to re-prioritizing one’s life in favor of the things that matter most, while also inviting the reader to engage in an invigorating journey of self-exploration and self-discovery, and there is a handy “Take Action” section at the end of each chapter.

In the “Proactivity” chapter, Tanner urges us to “take ownership of your life.” “You must craft your own destiny,” he tells us. How? “Everything in life is a choice,” he answers, including our response to every situation in which we may find ourselves. He then goes on to walk the reader through creating their own identity, forgiving themselves for past mistakes and starting their life over. “It doesn’t matter what negative things anyone else may think of you,” he says. “This is your life.”

A Truly Successful Life helps provide healing for emotional and spiritual pain, a place of safety and peace for getting to know your Creator, and self-empowerment for taking control of your own life. It teaches you how to be effective in every aspect of your life, including your career. Most importantly, A Truly Successful Life helps you to prioritize what is truly important in your life.

Friday, September 4, 2009

5 Lessons From The Recession

The bear market of 2008 was a game-changer for many investors. Prior to 2008, a market decline of staggering proportions was a philosophical idea. The Great Depression was a distant event that few people alive today were even around to experience it - and most them were so young when it occurred that it had little or no impact on their personal investment portfolios. (Remember, the 401(k) wasn’t even introduced until 1978, so even the Great Depression did little to derail the retirement dreams of the average investor.) Now that we've lived through a stock market decline in 2008-2009 that not only wiped out a decade's worth of growth but also changed the face of Wall Street forever, what have we learned? Here we look at the top lessons.

1. Risk Matters
Clearly, the amount of risk taken in one's investment portfolio will capture a significantly greater degree of attention in the years ahead. The decline of 2008 taught us that once-in-a-lifetime events can occur. We've also learned that diversification means more than just stocks and bonds. The simultaneous decline of stocks, bonds, housing and commodities is a stark reminder that there are no "sure bets," and that a cash cushion could save the day when times get tough. The blind pursuit of profit with no thought to the downside is a strategy that failed spectacularly.
Moving forward, investors should learn to be leery. Protecting what you've got is just as important as trying to get more. Keeping one eye on risk and the other on growth is a lesson worth remembering.

2. Experts Don't Know Everything
We put a lot of trust in experts, including stock analysts, economists, fund managers, CEOs, accounting firms, industry regulators, government and a host of other smart people. They all let us down. A great many of them lied to us, intentionally misleading us in the name of greed and personal profit. Even index fund providers let us down, charging us a fee for the "privilege" of losing 38% of our money.

While the collapse of long-term capital management in the late 1990s demonstrated that genius does fail, the lesson was seen by all but felt by few. The crash of 2008 was the complete reverse. Few saw it coming, but most felt it arrive. If we've learned anything from the experience, it should be that blind trust is a bad idea and that even experts can't predict the market.

3. You Can't Live on Averages
Market projections, such as those seen in the hypothetical examples included in many 401(k) enrollment kits, always seem to show an 8% return per year, on average doubling your money every eight years. Those pretty pictures make it easy to forget that markets don't usually move in a straight line. All of those projections are based on the idea that investors should buy and hold, but 2008 showed that that strategy doesn't always work, particularly for investors who are approaching retirement.

Next time the markets start to take a dive, people on the cusp of retirement should pay more attention to the possibility of severe declines damaging their odds of leaving the work force any time soon. What to do? If you see the train coming, get off of the tracks.

4. You Shouldn't Buy What You Don't Understand
The marketplace if filled with complex and exotic offerings that promise the world to investors. Derivatives, special investment vehicles, adjustable-rate mortgages and other new-fangled investments that may be too complex for the average investor racked up huge fees for financial services firms and huge losses for investors. Don't buy what you don't understand is a trite but true sentiment that may be the biggest lesson from the recession.

5. You Can't Delegate Your Future
Far too many investors operate on the "set it and forget it" plan. They dutifully make their biweekly contributions to their 401(k) plans and let the years pass, hoping for magic by the time they retire. Anyone on that plan who expected to retire anytime between 2008 and 2018 or so is likely in for a rude awakening. Set it and forget it failed. Even target-date-funds, which are supposed to automatically move assets to a more conservative stance as retirement approaches, didn't all do the job investors expected them to do. Moving, forward, "pay attention" may be a better mantra than set it and forget it.

The Bottom LineIf your investments are doing well and you get a good run, rebalance to remove risk. If the markets have fallen as far as you can stand, take what you have left and get out. You should know your risk tolerance and know how much damage you have the stomach to take. When you hit your limit, there's no shame in crying "uncle." It's your money, so manage it. Even if you delegate the investment management to experts, educate yourself so that you understand what your money is buying, what your hired experts are doing and what course of action you will take if things don't go your way.

Thursday, September 3, 2009

How To Stop Earning A Living And Start Making Money

How To Stop Earning A Living And Start
Making More Money

“Most people are too busy earning a living to make any real money”
Joe Karbo “The Lazy Man's Way To Riches”
What Is Money?

Money is just green or other colored paper, coins, tokens or whatever two or more individuals agree to accept as trade currency, nothing more.
Unless you allow it to be, money is NOT your master. You should always hold mastery over money.
Never let a green piece of paper stand between you and something you want. We start out with an understanding of money when we are young based on our observations, what our parents teach us and what society tells us about the role of money in our lives.

What is The Purpose of Money?

Before money existed as we know of it today people used to barter or trade services, products, and animals as a medium of exchange.
Today we use money to obtain goods or services that we require.
Everything starts with how you think.
This is not any different with money. The real problem with a lack of money in the lives of many people is not with money itself. The problem is with their inability to imagine, feel and clearly see themselves in a position where they have money.
When I say this I mean to point out that we are all spiritual beings endowed with a wonderful gift called the creative imagination.
Too many people busy themselves looking at old images and feelings that no longer serve them in life. Such images have been programmed into us from an outside world at an early age.
Remember the current images that you view inwardly in your minds eye will manifest outwardly as the future conditions and circumstances in your life.
That is why it is imperative, if you are to change your present circumstances that you begin to monitor your belief structure which is based on the thoughts that you think daily.
Everyone has the same amount of time to accomplish their goals in. So time is really not a factor in manifesting money.
What is different between individuals is how they think. What is also different is what each person believes, consents to be true, and allows to manifest into their lives. Whether it be abundance or lack or anything else for that matter, we all have to take responsibility for what comes into our lives. When we do we will begin to make the necessary changes to old patterns that no longer serve us.
Remember the old saying; “if you continue to do what you have always done then you will continue to get what you have always got”?
Have you ever thought about ways to stop working harder and start working smarter? What I am talking about here is “thinking outside of the box”.
Money of itself is neither good nor bad, it is neutral. It is what you choose to do with money that makes a difference. Here is a way I choose to do good with money and help others:
While we are speaking of positive and negative charges here it is important for you to know that cause is positive and effect is negative.
That is to say that, with the assistance of spirit the creative power you as a creative distributing center of that power can set in to motion causes or goals that you wish to accomplish and then, accept them into your outer world. You do this by taking the necessary actions required and acting “as if” the wish was already fulfilled. By accepting these creations of yours into your outer world you knowingly allow yourself to be their effect.
You will meet the right people to help you at the right moment and things will seem effortless at times. Some people feel they must struggle a little more rather than relax and let the spirit of life guide them in its infinite wisdom. In time you will learn to work smarter, and not harder.
These are ancient principles that have been taught in different forms by various teachers since the beginning of time on this planet.
So again, money is not bad it is neutral. Undue attachment to money or anything can be restrictive. Attachment closes us off from our own inner connection with spirit.
Money can be used to achieve results that are for the good of the whole. Results that benefit everyone involved in the creative process. Your life can be filled with both purpose and money simultaneously. The creative force by nature works for the good of the whole and so you, should you choose to have a positive outflow into this world, express the same quality.
The importance of money is equal to what it can attain such as housing, food, education etcetera.
Generally you will find that those who tell you money is not important don't have any themselves.
That which is important to you, to which you place your attention on, will stay in your life. If you totally remove your attention from anything for a long enough period of time it will not be able to remain in your world.
Negative feelings, or dislike for something generally draws it to you as this is the force which works very quickly from the mental to physical region.
The negative has feeling with it, and feeling is the motive or locomotive force bringing things through to manifest in this world from the emotional plane.
This is like a fly buzzing around your head annoying you. The more it Bothers you, and the more you swat at it the more it seems to intensify its bothering you until the cycle ends. And of course all cycles in matter, energy, space and time have a beginning, a middle, and an end. Create, maintain, destroy, this is the natural cycle of life in this world.
Money of itself will not make you happy. Money is simply a tool for you to use in creating your vision. True happiness is something found within.
When looking back over my life some of the happiest times I experienced in my early years had absolutely nothing to do with money.
Mother Theresa took an oath of poverty and lived and served in the universal world outside of herself as have many others.
Love is the ultimate source of happiness. This all starts with loving yourself and starting to make some progress in your life.
To give service to life you must somehow participate while aligning with your higher values. The source of earning large amounts of money is large amounts of services or products being rendered.
You do not have to be extremely knowledgeable yourself to succeed but you must have access to highly specialized and intelligently applied knowledge.
Henry Ford was very good at hiring specialists to solve problems in areas that he had no such particular specialized knowledge himself.
The Law of Money
The law of money states that the amount of money you earn will be in exact ratio to 4 things:
1. The need for what you do.
2. Your ability to render your product/service.
3. The difficulty to replace what you offer.
4. The quantity in which the product or service is rendered.
How can I apply these laws immediately?
1. Select something you love to do and begin mastering it.
2. Contact me as soon as possible. My contact information is at the end of this chapter.
The Three Ways to Earn Money
1. Trading time for money
2. Trading money for money
3. Leveraging your time and efforts
Lets look at the first method
The majority of people today trade their time, the hours of their lives for a set amount of money. Employers expect a certain amount of pre- determined labor or output to be performed by employees. In return the employee agrees to this contract and receives a given amount of money at given times. Over 95% of the population follows this strategy. It is an extremely ineffective method when you see the results show that over 95% of the population makes less than 10% of all money being earned today. Both ditch diggers and doctors work for wages as do laborers and lawyers. Any way you look at it this is by far the least effective method of making money. On the positive side this method can be used as a stepping stone to more effective methods of earning money listed below.
Now lets look at the second method of earning money
Rather than working for money this method puts money to work for you. You are investing your money in something that yields more money in return than what you put in. This could be anything from investing in gold, oil, or mutual funds to real estate. Whatever you decide to invest in make sure that you get the advice of someone who is reputable and already succeeding at it themselves.
The third and most lucrative method of earning money
This is the most efficient, most highly successful, but strangely the least utilized method of earning money today. Less than just 1% of the word's population uses this method to earn well over 90% of all money earned today. What is it? The smallest percentage of people earning the greatest amount of money all have multiple sources of income. There is not a wealthy person who does not earn their income through multiple sources.
As for myself I make a full time living online doing internet marketing. Why is this? The reason that I chose internet marketing is because I can follow proven plans of other people with specialized knowledge and apply these techniques right away to get results.
I have seen countless numbers of people with no specialized skills making huge sums of money on the internet. It is really like the wild west gold rush of the 1840's. This can be done from the comfort of your own home or anywhere that you have a computer and internet connection. As far as time goes I spend no more than 3 hours a day at the computer doing my business. This leaves me free to do what I want rather than sell my time to someone else for a fee.
There are several opportunities I use as vehicles to earn money and I am always investigating new sources and opportunities that are proven and effective.
Once you understand how things work and are initially set up in this business you then have all the time you need to do the things that you like best.
Here is one opportunity that anyone can use to make money on the internet. It teaches you step by step what you need to do to succeed.
Several streams of income will be added to this main opportunity placing all those involved in the most favorable position as outlined in this chapter.
Go here to find out more;
If you enter your name in when you get to the main website then you can get on my mailing list. Please go to this link and opt in. You will find my email address and more information about other great opportunities forwarded to you when you sign on here.
To your success,
Stephen James
Author, Full Time Online Marketer
Personal Success Coach

Japanes Lady!!

yy blog

Air Brush..!!!!.

High Shoe!!!! wakakakkakak


LOVE shape Global!!!


Nice !!!

i like ts picture becos of the lace look v nice and d color match harmony...nice!!!


Hmmm,...nice?? make me think it was chocolate!! yum!yum!

Nice!!!! especially the roses!!!

Look like real wearing!!!

The flower draw or stick it!!!!



The lace very nice!!

Another human''buttock''wakakkaaka

I guess she is fat gal!!!!


Very nice pattern and colour!!!

Sweet colour!!!! fantastic!


v nice!!!!

i like ts picture cos of d fish tail attracted me...nice expression.

Body painting

?You know how to see it??




Sand Art?

My ''Dream'' wkakakakkkaka

Can i fly?


read carefuly who m i? wakakkaakak

This eagle compare to the dog,the dog eyes draw more sucessfuly than d eagle..abit flat ..but overal the color stil ok..can control wel in contrast n clear..jus the eyes part if can draw and make it more clear the expression.than perfect edi...comnt by yy.

Hand paint


問我 *問我歡呼聲有幾多 問我悲哭聲有幾多我如何能一一去數清楚問我點解會高興 
究竟點解要苦楚我笑住回答 講一聲 我係我
無論我有百般對 或者千般錯 全心去承受結果面對世界一切 那怕會如何 全心保存真的我
問我得失有幾多 其實得失不必清楚我但求能夠一一去數清楚願我一生去到終結
無論歷盡幾許風波我仍然能夠講一聲 我係我

8 Oct09