Body art is extremely popular all over the world and includes anything that consists of the human body...tattoos, and piercings but other types of body art involve air brushing, scarring, branding, scalpelling, shaping with corsets and lace and body painting..body art encompasses nose rings, dydos, bangles, rings, makeup, studs, nose pins, and lip plates.

Friday, September 11, 2009


"Thinking will affect the action, action will produce results. If Edison (Thomas Alva Edison) lamp is not the courage to have a dream of the invention, we may still primitive. All of the great stories of success have been many people laughed at before, so we should be because of feel proud of being made fun of, because you know closer to success. "
Every great achievement was once considered impossible!
- Pine large capital Grandpine
Program cost is only RM1, 000 goal is to RM1, 000,000
This is a ridiculous idea?
Millionology is that we try to break the stock market investors always lose money when they think of the mystery of the inspiration they receive. In the market is not difficult to hear the stock market 80% of investors lose money, only 20% of the profits for investors. People think that the stock market is a大鱼吃小鱼game, very few make money. Back to where the stock is a listed company which is used to finance a tool. In order to develop a company must have funds available to different departments, such as the production, promotion, development and so on, while the source of funds could be the operator out of their pocket (self-face the risk), or to bank loans (the burden of interest costs) , or the public to raise funds (to invite the public to become shareholders).
Of course, listing the reasons for raising funds necessary for the development of the full, or else the company listing becomes a major shareholder of his business-oriented way of cash only (the original shareholders can take advantage of exchange-traded, and brought his stake in the company's liquidation). Even if the development of well-founded, but the allocation of funds and use of small shareholders in general difficult to grasp, the formation of information asymmetry. From the history of the stock we will understand the basic retail investors buy stocks head is to get an annual dividend (Dividend), which is the company to earn back the money and then direct cash returns to shareholders, but later, the stock has become almost a speculation, speculation, flourishes tool. Stock in effect become a place of wealth redistribution, but unfortunately, there is no wealth in the hands of their money from the rich to the poor points, but rather most people's wealth was concentrated in a few pockets. For most people, the investment in the stock market is a loser's game (Loser's Game), it is somewhat similar to the casino, the dealer will win (House Always Wins).
Most investors have no interest in their own research or analysis of stocks, tend to prefer someone else to help make your own decision, and even infected with the "tips (Tips)" drug. At the same time can not be properly on the market of professional information to make objective judgments are basically relying on feel and sold stocks, highly speculative, but also very emotional. We call this investment behavior known as "habitual rash investment", which seriously committed Buffett's investment first rule "Do not be losing money." Because investors rush to look at investment, no doubt chosen with the failure of investment decisions Sishou life, they think money loss that can be used to compensate another for profit, they consider themselves to have endless investment opportunities, they do not respect the their own funds, so the end does not respect their own funds. The greatest irony is that these hasty investment decisions actually are also other, more cursory reference to investors. Hasty investment is not surprising that this occurred in many investors who, even some conservatives (and we would have committed such a mistake). This is a very interesting phenomenon, many people in their career is very conservative, or even in other investment projects are also very conservative, such as real estate, insurance, savings, education and so on, but when it comes to investing in stocks that they would a laissez-faire themselves, the stock market like a magic spell to induce them to make mistakes.
Many investors often take dollar cost averaging investment strategy, in fact, this approach reasonable, but in fact are often hasty investment decisions because they are the consequences. They tend to resonate more than on finding the reasons, when they encounter hesitation, it is often the final decision is to get the views that they agree or negative, so there are no reliable factors in the purchase of a number of stocks, making the usual by arbitrage, loss of the retained. They do not think we sell will never lose money in equity losses are only paper losses, so as to achieve reduction of losses caused by the pain, the results of an increasing amount of the losses. They can not be called dollar cost averaging strategy is just a loss of the averaging method to achieve psychological comfort.
Investors in the stock market tend to make rash because of the unique advantages of the stock market. Stock market participants without any specific conditions, can approach the sale, whether you are educated or uneducated. Flow of the stock market a good deal, even bought the wrong can be immediately sold, but sold the wrong that can be bought immediately, and transaction costs low, even if many feel the deal will not affect the overall capital. Is even more lightly is the stock of the summary procedure, even after re-thinking and analysis of the complex was obtained from the decision merely to "buy" or "sell." The stock market to make investment operations of this nature is very similar to themselves with gambling, so when people are investing in stocks can easily fall into the trap of gambling, commonly known as "bet the stock."
In order for investors to break the "always losing money," the mystery of thinking,MillionologyDesigned to 1,000 yuan to achieve the goal of 1 million investment ideas. The aim is to enable investors to know how to respect our own funds, cherish their every investment decision, because it simply does not allow multiple transactions 1,000 yuan. In addition, in the investment process where "like" and "fear" mentality will always hinder investors achieve their goals, with only 1,000 yuan for the cost, is to "fear" mentality pushed to the minimum, so without fear loss, Because of this small amount of money will not hurt the individual's life, and easy to start or re-start. To "millions" as the goal, is to "greedy" mentality to push the extreme, with 1,000 yuan to make 1 million pairs of many people is still very greedy idea. Finally returns and risks the creation of polarization miracle.
1000 yuan how to "roll out" one million
To reach 1 million target interest rate and the number of other complex;
Compounded rate, Cp Rate 15% 50Times
Compounded rate, Cp Rate 20% 38Times
Compounded rate, Cp Rate 30% 27Times
Compounded rate, Cp Rate 50% 18Times
Compounded rate, Cp Rate 70% 13Times
Compounded rate, Cp Rate 100% 10Times
Millionology is a 1,000 yuan to achieve one million targets. Do the world a free lunch? The answer is certainly not. Therefore, the results of each one, there will be a pay back, as I experience the same as before. Speaking of investing in the market, we can easily hear the phrase "high-risk high returns, low risk whole workshop is truly pay," This investment law. We all believe that there will need to pay the first harvest - fame saying "give and take", many people understand this truth, the investment is also true, but the "give and take" the focus is on how much? Harvest is? Therefore, the task is exhausted Millionology cost less to make as the returns. Targeted approach to reach one million there are numerous ways to do the fastest? Drug trafficking may be one of the fastest way, but you certainly do not do it, because it is at the cost of life imprisonment or even death. Therefore, to reach 1 million target at the same time must also consider the cost. To address this issue, Millionology opening stage to minimize the cost of risk, Millionology schemes and the initial cost is only 1,000 yuan (now even a child can use more than 1,000 yuan cell phone).
Pine large capital in 2006 launch Millionology, to 1,000 yuan to achieve this goal of 1 million investment in the concept, the result was not cheering, but suspicion and even making themselves laughing stocks. This is absolutely expected, because Edison is true before they succeeded. Millionology to the cost of RM1000 to reach 1 million goal, seemed impervious to reason. Please No doubt, there must need to use the results of a miracle a miracle method. This method is Einstein (Albert Einstein) as the world's eighth wonder of the "magic of compound interest."
The so-called compound (Compound Interest Rate) effects, can be simply interpreted as illegal loans, "profit-producing," that is, to obtain the investment interest or earn profits by adding the principal (Principal), continue to earn returns. For example, assume that a certain financial products 10% annual returns to normal interest rate (Simple Interest Rate) calculation, investment 100 million yuan, a year make between 10 million and ten years can make one million yuan. If the compound interest calculation, although they pay the annual return is also 10%, but the actual annual amount of earned but will continue to increase, with 100 million investment, the first year, make between 10 million and the principal becomes 110 million; the following year earned 1.1 million yuan is 10%, or 11 million, and so on, the third year 12.1 million, until the tenth year, the total profit almost 160 million, more than the principal amount of 1.6 times more 10 years, returns 160% of the course, are not a miracle, but the great part is that compound interest the longer the effect more obvious, even to 1 yuan expansion to become a million, is only a matter of time only. It can be seen, time is the key element of compound interest, to take one step further to see the "magic of compound interest," we must start planning as soon as possible investments.
To reach the one million Millionology goal, you need to do is RM 1,000 as a capital investment to repeat 10 times, each time returns must reach 100%, and the use of all the capital for each investment objective can be reached.
Cost, RM1000The first 100%, RM2, 0002nd 100%, RM4, 0003rd 100%, RM8, 0004th 100%, RM16, 0005th 100%, RM32, 0006th 100%, RM64, 0007th 100%, RM128, 0008th 100%, RM256, 0009th 100%, RM512, 000X 100%, RM1, 024,000The successful completion of
If you have earned 10 times 100 percent chance, in the first one times 100 percent returns, and capital into a 2,000 yuan from 1,000 yuan, but you irrepressible desire of your spending, took 300 to buy watches, and the remaining 1700 re-invest. 2nd 100% of the returns are done, and funds into 3,400 yuan, and you out of 1000 to buy a new phone, and the remaining 2,400 yuan began the 3rd investment, the success of 100% of profits after will become a 4,800 RMB. Surprisingly well, your next 4, 5, 6, 7, 8 sub-investment have successfully achieved 100% returns, your accumulated funds had reached 153.6 thousand yuan, but then you excited a dream to buy a sports car, spent 10 million, the remaining 53.6 thousand yuan and then the successful completion of another two times 100% of investment returns, your money will eventually become 214.4 thousand yuan. Now you can see the difference it? Similarly, 10 to 100% of the investment returns, but because they do not complete the complex rate plans to ensure that the final outcome of your changing from 100 became 210 thousand! A total difference of 5 times! In addition, in order to let "the magic of compound interest" is more obvious and rapid, "can not lose money" concept becomes heavy the heavy, because if the investment losses, funds also will be compounded in the form of shrinkage. Suppose 1,000 yuan for the principal started to invest in, when the first put on the loss of 50%, funds only 500 yuan, will be the second time into trying to make a principal, return on equity be?
The answer: 100%
How can we referred to as "can not lose money" investment? You might ask, "win" is not equivalent to "not lose" it? The key is that you buy that stock in a grabbing, your returns must have been identified, and it's only not lose. This is the value of investment law an act of faith, the share price decline is only temporary, future returns are inevitable. Only in this way, compound interest in terms of really meaningful to you.
Of investment as a wealth of value-added growth in 10 years to RM1000 into RM1, 000,000, you are still quite pleased.
Because you know you can speed up the investment, but no short cuts.
The following are two examples, we can invest in a good way to make money investing in stocks proved faster than real estate.
Example 1260,000 yuan investment in the two-tier residential estatesThe first phase of 150,000 yuan15-year loans to 110,000 yuanAnnual repayment amount of 10,980 yuan = 915 yuan Yue X 12Moonrise rent = 1,500 yuanRent annual growth rate = 5%15 years later, sold 520,000 yuan investment15 years later,Total assets of 743,714 yuanInvestment returns of 396%
This is an example of investment in real estate, Peter has invested 260,000 yuan worth a two-tier residential estates. Peter to 150,000 yuan to the original investment funds, further bank loans 110,000 yuan loan period of 15 years, bought the house, Peter must repay the loan 915 yuan a month. Peter acquired this greatly increased luck behind the house has encountered elegant Henry. Henry monthly rent of 1,500 yuan to Peter rented this house, but also stated the contract where the growth rate of 5% of the annual rent, so Peter No monthly payments, but also have additional cash income. Not only that, 15 years later, that is, after the end of Peter's bank loans, Henry in order to double the price to buy Peter's house. All the investment spent a total of 15 years, the last Peter's assets rose to 743,714 yuan from 150,000 yuan, the investment returns of 396%. Peter in real estate investments are so high returns, it is rare, at least in Malaysia in 1998 -2006 years, the real estate market is a rare case. Example 2Investment RM150, 000 in the stock market15% annual returns15 years later,Total assets of RM1, 220,559Investment returns of 813%
Example 2, compared with previous example would be a relatively simple, Steven with the same amount of 150,000 yuan to invest in stocks where some of the solid blue chips. Steven did not make a very frequent stock transactions, but every time received dividend shares will be fully invested in the same item, so the annual profit (dividends and share price appreciation) is only a mere 15% of the returns. All the investment has spent a total of 15 years, the last Steven's assets rose to 1,220,559 yuan from 150,000 yuan, the investment returns of 813%. Steven's investment in the stock market returns from eyes simply do not how, but compared to Peter's investment returns are higher than 64%. The most important thing is, after our students statistics, in investing in stocks, 15 percent higher than a year asked the students pay back is 100%. Reflected in the fact that the above examples have been very clear in the stock market is profitable! But the reality of stock market investors are mostly black and blue, and in we look carefully at the discovery that these investors is the reason why the reason for the failure to obtain 15 percent have not yet mastered the ability to pay back prior to the attempt to storm the night Fu. Greed make people deviate from rationality, and even affect the decision, and it will eventually be invested in failure.
Warren Buffett once said, "smart people know how to live within its means as if he is foolish person. Foolish person who know how to live within its means as he is smart people"
Members must bear in mind that
When you are uncertain, it will not make any decisions.
"Rule 1" No matter how much money can make my decisions are necessary to establish a "no lose" on top.
Investors, self-cultivation, and continuously improve the knowledge of
How to find profit in the stock market 100% of the opportunities?
The following content will involve a lot of professional theory, but I will just shallow and easy to understand language to express, I believe that general readers can understand. As had been said to be stable in the stock market 100% of profits, it is clear we need to grasp the investment capacity. That in the end Millionology is how to define "investment capacity" mean? Millionology the profitability of the strategy to master the three key competencies include the "opportunity", "value", and "theme."
Necessary to master the three key from the analysis as his starting point
Investment analysis refers to the investors in the stock market a variety of information collection, collation, be understood post-synthesis, regulatory, and even predict stock price movements, thereby making the appropriate investment strategy, while trying to reduce risk and increase profitability.
In the stock market, there are three mainstream analysis theory, namely the Technical Analysis (Technical Analysis), fundamental analysis (Fundamental Analysis) and the efficient market theory (Efficient Market Theory). Technical analysis and fundamental analysis because it has a long history but most people are familiar with, but the efficient market theory, because only appeared in modern times and the more academic, general individual investors are more familiar with it.
Efficient market theory has been aimed at fundamental analysis and technical analysis to make critical weaknesses, and the usefulness of these two methods questioned. By understanding the efficient market theory, we can clearly know the fundamental analysis and technical analysis weak side.
According to efficient market theory, the stock market mechanism is an extremely efficient and can quickly make adjustments based on latest news of the market, in the long-term stock market under the market mechanism is completely efficient. This means that regardless of the world, countries, markets or companies of any incidents or information, the market will immediately be reflected in prices. The occurrence of an accident or the message can not be predicted, like a can not predict it will happen again tomorrow, the United States "911" like the terrorist attacks.
In this premise there are two inferences; the first, stock prices up or down is random, you simply can not be estimated price will be starting tomorrow, or down, the stock market like casino gambling within the size of the next plate bears flowers of large or small the fundamental is impossible to know to open a large or small, are half chance. Secondly, any future development and direction can not be speculated that based on past behavior, which is like betting the size of the bureau opened a big What about that the next Board did not influence is the so-called random. Therefore, the theory of market efficiency, the use of performance-based stock price history, technical analysis and utilization of historical earnings performance-based fundamental analysis questioned.
An interesting and well-known story is used to describe the academic community advocated by the market efficiency theory, professors and students with a walk, walked on the ground they found a one hundred U.S. dollars, so the students wanted to stop picking, but the professor said "Do not trouble, and if it really is 100 U.S. dollars, it is not here already has." To efficient market theory, it would have really have 100 U.S. dollars on the ground, it will not be there long, but there are ways to be sustainable it is difficult to find the ground of 100 U.S. dollars.
So, if you follow the efficient market theory, investment approach will be very passive. Investors do not need stock picking, because no one can be trusted methods, so you do not need to pay under a certain increase in the risk of loss, so investors can directly invest in index funds (Index Fund), then basically equivalent to buying representative of the market and do the best risk diversification. Accumulation of fixed investment laws then on a regular basis, that is, a specific period of time intervals with the same amount of money to invest, and the long-term holding. Investors do not need to know when is the best time to buy, because no one trusted the same way. This is the new investment techniques (New Investment Technology), a decentralized risk technology.
The fundamental analysis and technical analysis of the followers of the market efficiency theory also refute the suggestion that - whether the market can fully reflect the reality? If the answer is yes, how to interpret the October 1987 U.S. stock market more than 30% decline and the 2002 July 16% decline it? Why do blue-chip heavyweight stock market fundamentals do not change much the situation, a sudden crash was so brutal?
In this regard, the U.S. investment guru, Mr. Kiel Mexico (Burton G. Malkiel), efficient market advocates in his book "Walk Down Wall Street" "A Random Walk Down Wall Street" with this view. Mexico, Mr. Gere admitted that the admissibility of price fluctuations and the influence of irrational factors, when the stock was trading at when the irrational is like a drunk in the open space in the walk, tumble style that is random pace, the same can not be predicted.
I think that even if the market was confirmed at certain times is not efficient, it may not be able to effectively see what the market when the effective or ineffective when the equivalent to the market is random change. At least I have still not found or heard that some people could predict the stock market continuing, so I never believed it was or method can make any future projections.
On the market does not lack some people think they can predict the future, people have an innate sense of self-confidence, just like gambling in the lottery, though the number of combinations out of each probability is the same, but people often think that a combination of their choice out opportunities to be higher, in other words, we just take a chance only.
Although the Millionology agree the market is unpredictable, but at least we can grasp the opportunity. We can not exclude, in the efficient market and the stock price random walk under the premise of the investment objectives of the close attention and monitoring can bring benefits, because of price fluctuation is affected by the admissibility and irrational factors.
The risk of a spread that if the diversification of investments so that investor returns can only be maintained at the average level of the market, why not make some changes? Shift focus from diversification to integrated different investment strategies! The essence of each part of the strategy into your investment analysis which concluded naturally with the risk diversification effect!又可以达到高回报率,何乐而不为?
MillionologyRequired to master the strategy, re-use of efficient market theory has been criticized fundamental analysis and technical analysis, under the premise of efficient market functioning.MillionologyThis strategy is divided into control the timing, value and the theme, like the art of war, the emphasis in the favorable climatic, geographical and human resources.
MillionologyInstructorMr. Li Yongan

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Japanes Lady!!

yy blog

Air Brush..!!!!.

High Shoe!!!! wakakakkakak


LOVE shape Global!!!


Nice !!!

i like ts picture becos of the lace look v nice and d color match harmony...nice!!!


Hmmm,...nice?? make me think it was chocolate!! yum!yum!

Nice!!!! especially the roses!!!

Look like real wearing!!!

The flower draw or stick it!!!!



The lace very nice!!

Another human''buttock''wakakkaaka

I guess she is fat gal!!!!


Very nice pattern and colour!!!

Sweet colour!!!! fantastic!


v nice!!!!

i like ts picture cos of d fish tail attracted me...nice expression.

Body painting

?You know how to see it??




Sand Art?

My ''Dream'' wkakakakkkaka

Can i fly?


read carefuly who m i? wakakkaakak

This eagle compare to the dog,the dog eyes draw more sucessfuly than d eagle..abit flat ..but overal the color stil ok..can control wel in contrast n clear..jus the eyes part if can draw and make it more clear the expression.than perfect edi...comnt by yy.

Hand paint


問我 *問我歡呼聲有幾多 問我悲哭聲有幾多我如何能一一去數清楚問我點解會高興 
究竟點解要苦楚我笑住回答 講一聲 我係我
無論我有百般對 或者千般錯 全心去承受結果面對世界一切 那怕會如何 全心保存真的我
問我得失有幾多 其實得失不必清楚我但求能夠一一去數清楚願我一生去到終結
無論歷盡幾許風波我仍然能夠講一聲 我係我

8 Oct09